Electronic projectsMy father has been an electronics engineer. His home work has no doubt ignited my own interest in electronics when I grew up. It started with a crystal radio based around the infamous Amroh 402 coil and a huge tuning capacitor and completed with a Germanium diode and an old military headset. I was too young to watch it on TV, but with this first crystal set I could still witness how Ajax became European champion, from my bed. Many projects later, building anything from amplifiers to pirate radio stations, I passed my Veron exam and aquired an amateur license. Soon after I went to study Physics, but electronics has remained my hobby ever since. Later it has formed a major part of my work, together with software development and system engneering. Still I have a corner in my house that is dedicated to electronic and embedded software projects. Where some have landed under telescope making pages, the UED pages are meant to publish any other projects of interest. Pages will be added when I feel a project might be interesting to others. |